We find it nearly-absurd that in the age of free 1TB cloud drives, we have kept package size capped at 30MB for so long. Starting today, we are officially bumping that maximum to 300MB.
In case you were confused among all the various paths to put your stuff into Gemfury, we’ve decided to officially add one more - the one to rule them all. You can now upload and build packages from source by using git push.
Funny how time flies when you do what you love. Here at Gemfury, 2013 started out a bit rough, but has finished as another outstanding year. Scrolling back through the big announcements doesn’t give enough insight into all the other hard work we’ve dedicated this year to delighting our customers and community. Today is a good day to sum up what has kept us busy.
Not so long ago, Gemfury started out as a simple solution to a single developer’s problem. Since then the service has grown to be an invaluable tool in both our team’s and others’ toolkits. Today, we are introducing Organizations - a growing set of improvements that make Gemfury better for team and business use.
A few months ago, we have arrived at the conclusion that the design and the underlying technology behind our dashboard no longer fits in the future of Gemfury. Since then, we’ve worked with many of you, our customers, to develop a better way to manage your packages. Today, we’re happy to share the product of this collaboration – the new Gemfury Dashboard.
Although Gemfury Package Repo is our main vocation, we believe that it’s part of our mission to give back to the hacker community through code contribution, guides, and value-add services. So while we are putting the final touches on some major updates to Gemfury, today, I’d like to note a couple of recent improvements that we have made to the Version Badge service.
Since the original announcement two months ago, hundreds of package owners have installed the Version Badge, helping thousands of developers every day to quickly identify and find the installable package associated with a Github repo or a project webpage. Among many others, some notable projects are Devise, CanCan, Celluloid, and Slim.
Today, we are happy to introduce Version Badge for NPM modules.